May 18, 1982
Mr. William S. Heffelfinger
Assistant Secretary for Management
and Administration
Department of Energy
James Forrestal Building
1000 Independence Avenue, S.W.
Washington, D.C. 20585
Dear Mr. Heffelfinger:
This letter is written on behalf of Robert V. Gentry, Associate Professor
of Physics at Columbia Union College and currently Guest Scientist at Oak Ridge
National Laboratory.
Mr. Gentry has been a Guest Scientist at ORNL for the past 13 years. During
this time, he has published nearly 20 scientific reports, some of which have
received national recognition. I have enclosed two published commentaries
concerning Mr. Gentry's work which testify to the depth and importance of the
research he has been able to conduct while at ORNL.
In addition, Robert Gentry has been particularly helpful to me and my staff
on energy-related matters, particularly nuclear waste site selection issues. He has
provided valuable evaluations and technical expertise, which has assisted us in
ascertaining the full implications of various energy policies.
It is my understanding that Mr. Gentry has been notified that his current
dollar-a-year consultant contract will be terminated on June 30, 1982. I also understand
that he has recently discovered new evidence relating to nuclear waste containment
about which he would like to conduct experiments and further research.
However, he will be unable to do this if his contract is terminated on schedule.
I wanted to take this opportunity to bring my interest in Mr. Gentry to your
attention and to request that he be allowed to continue his work at Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, if at all possible. I am sure that an extension of his
contract would allow him to finish his research and prepare conclusions based on those
I would greatly appreciate any assistance you can offer Mr. Gentry in this
regard, and I look forward to hearing from you at your convenience.

Jim Sasser
United States Senator |