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Center of the Universe DVD jacket Center of the Universe
The Great White Throne

Center of the Universe, a 28½ minute DVD video, is an absolute must see for all who have pondered whether the glories and mysteries of the starry heavens are just a cosmic accident, or whether they instead hold a sublime but heretofore undeciphered message from the Creator Himself.

In this documentary Drs. Robert and David Gentry unlock this message by their amazing astronomical discovery that the universe has a nearby center that can be identified with the location of the Great White Throne, God's dwelling place in the heavens described in the book of Revelation.

They even go so far as to suggest that this discovery may have apocalyptic implications: Did the Creator long ago plan for this sign in the heavens to be discovered as a signal that the present age is nearing its close and will soon end with the second coming of Christ in power and glory? It's a challenging possibility that none should ignore.

Host: Don Mackintosh (Three Angels Media)
Price: $25 for USA residents and $28 for Canadian residents (includes shipping)

This video as well as in-depth discussion of this topic can be seen immediately over the internet in streaming video for free.

video one cover The Young Age of the Earth

The Young Age of the Earth is a 76 minute VHS/DVD video which explains how a created, young Earth, is compatible with a myriad of field evidences and the Genesis record of creation in six literal days. Dr. Robert V. Gentry and his son, David present young earth evidences supporting rapid coal formation such as polonium halos in coalified wood and the astonishingly pure giant coal beds of the Powder River Basin. These coal beds, sometimes hundreds of feet thick, are better explained by a rapid deposition and burial of billions of tons of vegetation by a massive flood mechanism. Present day oil formation in the Guaymas Basin is seen using deep sea footage from DSV Alvin. Aerial and ground based footage of the Grand Canyon illustrate features which question whether the Colorado River carved the canyon over millions of years. Dr. Walt Brown discusses his hydroplate theory which is consistent with the biblical flood model. Scenes from the visitor center at Dinosaur National Monument are explained in a startling new way. An explanation of cavitation includes footage from the Glen Canyon Dam where the power of catastrophically driven water is demonstrated in the spillway tunnels at the dam. Fossil Butte National Monument is also visited where inconsistencies between accepted theory and fossil evidence abound. The mass burial and deposition of millions of fish demands a theory of catastrophism similar to that required in the Grand Canyon. Dinosaur tracks in the coal mines of Eastern Utah near Price are documented and related to the age of the coal which they are found in. The published evidence from the deep drill holes in New Mexico show helium retention which is impossible to explain except by a young Earth paradigm. A synopsis of the polonium halos evidence for a rapid crystallization of granite is given explaining the difficulties they pose to the view of an anciently evolving planet from a hot melt.

Host: Lonnie Melashenko (Speaker, The Voice of Prophecy)
Price: $25 for USA residents and $28 for Canadian residents (includes shipping)

This video can also be seen immediately over the internet in streaming video for free.

video two cover Fingerprints of Creation

Fingerprints of Creation is a 33 minute VHS/DVD video detailing the evidence polonium halos offer that the Earth was rapidly formed and did not cool over millions of years. The video, shot mostly in California takes the viewer to picturesque Yosemite National Park during the winter and the regions surrounding Palm Springs and Bishop where granites are plainly visible. Three-dimensional graphic animations are included to help convey the process of halo formation from nuclear particles. Instrumentation similar to that used to gather the published data on the polonium halos is shown along with simple demonstrations which illustrate the basic concepts of a short-lived nuclear emitter. Dr. Gentry explains the history of the origin of granite and scientists' attempts to arrive at a universally accepted model of its formation. Brief commentaries on Robert Gentry's research are given by Dr. Bruce Holman, Wisconsin Lutheran College, and Dr. Andrew Snelling, Creation Science Foundation of Australia. Dr. Snelling comments on granite formation theories comprise the final minutes of the video.

Host: Lonnie Melashenko (Speaker, The Voice of Prophecy)
Price: $25 for USA residents and $28 for Canadian residents (includes shipping)

This video can also be seen immediately over the internet in streaming video for free.

Special Offer:
Buy both the above videos today for only $45, or all three DVDs for just $55!*

To order our book and/or videos,
Call Us at (800) 467-6380, or use our order form.

* Prices may vary depending on whether an order is placed online, by mail or fax, or by phone.

Geology Professor at University of Tennessee Claims Granite Can Be Made in a Week

This is a portion of our April 13, 1987, presentation and question and answer session at the University of Tennessee, entitled, "Should Creation Science Be Taught at the University of Tennessee?"

During the presentation a UT geology professor publicly made the claim that he could make granite in his laboratory in just one week. We told him to let us know as soon as he was successful in doing so, for we wanted to be present at the publicity event announcing this accomplishment to the world. Though 38 years have now passed since he made his claim, this UT professor has yet to call us, for he has not yet succeeded in synthesizing a granite.

Repeatedly the attempt has been made to synthesize a granite, and thus falsify our evidence for creation, but every such attempt has failed. Thus, rather than falsifying our evidence, such experiments have falsified evolutionary theory. For if evolutionary theory be true, granite synthesis should be easily done using today's advanced petrological laboratory equipment.

See the portion of our presentation in which this UT geology professor makes his claims, and the interchange that followed, as free streaming video.

You may also watch the entire 2 hour 40 minute presentation as free streaming video.

The Ten Commandments Cosmic Code

An hour-long presentation given at the Washington, D.C., Armory, on Ten Commandment Weekend, May 6, 2006, by Drs. Bob and David Gentry.

Pictures taken through the Hubble Telescope indicate that galaxies are receding from the earth, which suggests that the earth is near the center of the universe.

The big bang theory postulates that the universe has no center, and that space itself is expanding everywhere. But this idea is contradicted by the fact that galaxies exist.

If space is expanding everywhere, it should be expanding within galaxies too. Thus the space between stars within galaxies should be expanding even as the space between galaxies is expanding. But the fact that stars are still close together within galaxies is clear evidence that there is no such expansion of space taking place.

See the entire presentation as a free streaming video.

2009 California Creation Seminar

2009 California Creation Seminar is a five-part, 3-DVD set of recorded presentations given in 2009 by Drs. Robert and David Gentry.

Disc 1: God's Fingerprints of Creation and 6000-Year Age of the Earth, Oil, Coal, and Dinosaurs. For decades evolutionary scientists have used the unproven assumption of constant radioactive decay rates to teach that (a) some of earth's rocks are billions of years old, (b) the foundation rocks of the continents, such as the granites, formed slowly over geologic time, and (c) sedimentary formations, such as the Grand Canyon, formed slowly over geologic time through erosion by wind, rain, and ice.

Now, however, Robert and David Gentry focus on revolutionary scientific discoveries that provide irrefutable evidence of the earth's instant creation, the age of the earth being only about 6000 years, and the formation of the Grand Canyon in weeks through rapid geologic processes during Noah's Flood.

Disc 2: God's Six-Day Creation of the Heavens and Earth Points to the Great White Throne and the Seventh-Day Sabbath Memorial of Creation. Robert and David Gentry describe their amazing astronomical discovery that the universe has a nearby center that can be identified with God's great white throne described in the book of Revelation, the location of the original Ark of the Covenant in the Heavenly Sanctuary. In that ark are the two tables of the original Ten Commandments, the fourth of which commands one and all to keep the seventh-day Sabbath holy unto Him, just as was commanded on Mt. Sinai.

These discoveries raise the question as to whether the Creator long ago planned that these signs be discovered now as indications that this present age is drawing to a close and will soon end with the second coming of Christ in power and glory.

Price: $30 for USA residents and $35 for Canadian residents (includes shipping)

See the presentation as a free streaming video.

To order our book and/or videos,
Call Us at (800) 467-6380, or use our order form.

The above page was found at on March 28, 2025.

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Earth Science Associates